Your experience of our services is important to us.
We run a number of surveys to gather feedback on our care.
Sharing your views and experiences helps us to continuously improve our services, and provide the best possible patient experience.
Our Trust works continuously to gather feedback from patients and carers. To find out more, visit Your Feedback.
The following surveys are open to anyone who has accessed Trust services:
NHS 111 Mental Health Crisis Care Services - National Patient Feedback Survey

This survey is specifically intended for individuals who have accessed crisis care services through the NHS 111 'select mental health option' service. Its purpose is to gather feedback on your experience and the support you have received.
Mental Health Inpatient Care Services
The Trust’s Mental Health Inpatient Survey is available to all individuals who have an admission to one of our Inpatient Mental Health units. The survey asks about your time on the ward and, as part of a separate discharge survey to be done once home, you will be asked questions around your discharge and support thereafter.
By Invitation Surveys
The following surveys are sent to a randomly-selected group of patients who have used GP services and/or Community Mental Health services. These are not open to the wider public.
GP Patient Survey
The GP Patient Survey is an independent survey run by Ipsos on behalf of NHS England. Patients have the chance to share their experience of their GP practice and the results show how people feel about their GP practice, driving improvements.