Maister Court
Maister Court
Maister Court is a five-bedded unit for women over the age of 65, presenting with a functional mental illness. Each patient has their own bedroom with en-suite bathroom.
The multidisciplinary team is made up of a number of professionals including Nurses, Psychologists, Social Workers, Occupational Therapists and a Consultant Psychiatrist.
The ward follows the recovery model when providing assessment and treatment which includes a range of assessments completed throughout each admission. Patients receive one to one sessions with nursing staff, which allows them to discuss their presentation, feelings and any concerns they may have.
A variety of professionally led ward based groups and activities are available as well as the opportunity for individuals to continue with many of their usual routines and interests. Maister Court and the Crisis and Intervention Team for Older People (CITOP) staff work closely together to facilitate patients in maintaining their routines and home life, which has been shown to reduce the need for lengthy admissions, aiding the transition back into the community setting and providing support to individuals following discharge from hospital.
Maister Court prides itself on being a patient centred service and the team are open to suggestions from patients’ perspective in how the care and treatment provided can continue to improve and evolve.
Contact details
Tel: 01482 738142
Maister Court
Hauxwell Grove
Middlesex Road