Learning Disability Inpatient Services - Townend Court

The inpatient service at Townend Court provides assessment and treatment for individuals with learning disabilities from across the Transforming Care Partnership (Hull, East Riding, North Lincolnshire, and North East Lincolnshire). The service currently has 14 beds, with 6 on Lilac ward and 8 on Willow ward.

Find out more about Townend Court at connect.humber.nhs.uk.

The Team

The aim of acute learning disability inpatient service is to provide the following three core functions of support:

  • Assessment (including for potential mental illness) of the causes of challenging behaviour, where it cannot be safely carried out in the community
  • Treatment of mental illness where this is the cause of challenging behaviour (complemented by other interventions as appropriate), where it cannot be safely carried out in the community
  • Reintegration of the individual back into the community after hospital treatment, including provision of support/guidance to families and support providers

The service seeks to minimise a person’s length of stay and any admissions are supported by a clear rationale of planned assessment and treatment with measureable outcomes. The core team at Townend is multidisciplinary and includes Nursing, Occupational Therapy, Clinical Psychology, Psychiatry and Speech and Language Therapy. The team at Townend Court work closely with the community team who also work with the individual, and discharge planning is done in partnership.

Contact details

Tel: 01482 336740


Townend Court
298 Cottingham Road