CAMHS Looked After Children's Team
The Child and Adolescent Mental Health (CAMHS) Looked After Children team offers consultations to foster carers and any other professionals working with children who are Looked After by the East Riding of Yorkshire.
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The Team
The children and youing people’s emotional health needs are assessed and they can be offered therapeutic work for trauma and attachment issues by this team, or, if necessary can be referred on to specialist CAMHS. The team consists of a team leader and two play therapists.
We know that Looked After Children are more vulnerable than their peers to developing mental health issues later in life so we aim to address problems such as attachment difficulties early on as soon as they are identified As these difficulties often do not meet specialist CAMHS criteria the local authority has commissioned the CAMHS Looked After Children service. If this service is not sufficient for their needs there is a pathway through to specialist CAMHS. Currently the service is only for children who are Looked After by the East Riding and living in the East Riding or near vicinity.
How to access the service
We accept referrals from social workers for Looked After Children and any requests from other professionals are always notified and discussed with the child’s social worker first.
Contact details
Tel: 01482 396080 ext 255
We are based with the Social Services Looked After Children Team at:
Beverley Children, Young People and Family Centre
Coltman Avenue
HU17 9LP