Support Services for you

The Mental Health Crisis Intervention Team provides a single point of access (SPA) for service users, carers, GPs, and all other health and social care professionals to access adult and older-age mental healthcare services. The SPA will also provide clinicians with a central point of contact for advice about accessing secondary services.

The team triage calls to ensure people’s needs s are effectively prioritised and that assessments and interventions are themselves appropriately prioritised; This also allows the team to determine how urgently a response is required regarding referrals.

If you need help with your mental health here are some of the options available to you.

NHS services

GP – You may wish to speak with your GP about your current mental health and look at options that may be available to you. Your GP can refer directly to primary care talking therapies and can also discuss other options which may be appropriate, such as medication.

NHS Direct – You may wish to contact NHS Direct on 111.

NHS Website – The NHS website holds information on services near you and information about different mental health conditions. The website also provides lots of information on how to live well and manage your health.

Hull and East Yorkshire Mind – HEY Mind is a charitable organisation that ensures people with mental health problems have somewhere to turn to for advice and support. They can also signpost you to various organisations in the local area that may be able to support you and your mental health. You can contact them on 01482 240200.

Mental Health Advice and Support Line 24/7 (Hull and East Yorkshire) - 

The Mental Health Advice and Support Line is available 24 hours a day for anyone in in the Hull and East Riding of Yorkshire area who requires information, advice and support with their mental health. You can also contact this line if you are worried about family or friends who may be struggling with their mental health.

Freephone: 0800 138 0990

If you have additional communication needs

If you are hard of hearing, deaf or have additional communication needs and are not able to speak over the phone, you can still access the Mental Health Advice and Support Line. Please go to where you can click on the chat box which appears in the bottom right side of the page. In this box, please tell the operator you require a chat with the Mental Health Advice and Support Team and your additional communication need. Please also provide your name and contact number to the operator. The operator will get a message to the support line with your contact number and the support line will send you a chat message.

Cruse – Cruse is a charitable organisation that offers bereavement support in Hull and East Riding. They can be contacted on 01482 565565.

Relate – Relate provides support for people experiencing difficulties in their relationships with others. They provide phone, email, live chat and face-to-face counselling and can be contacted on 01482 329621. Please be aware that this number is for the Hull centre and that there are others in the East Riding. The other contact details and centres can be found on Relate’s website

Domestic and sexual abuse

Rape Crisis – Hull Rape Crisis and Sexual Abuse Service is a service run by women for women. They provide a telephone helpline which can support women anonymously. The helpline is open Monday to Friday, 9.30am to 4.00pm, and a 24-hour answer machine is available. You can contact them on 01482 329990.

Hull DAP – Hull DAP is a group of professionals working to provide a support service for victims/survivors of domestic abuse in Hull. There is a wide range of support available and you can contact them on 01482 318759.

DVAP – DVAP provides a wide range of support for people experiencing domestic violence and abuse in the East Riding of Yorkshire.  You can contact them on 01482 396368 or via their confidential helpline 01482 396330 

Helplines and signposting

SANEline – SANE is a charitable oragnisation that offers information and support for people struggling with their mental health. Their mental health helpline offers emotional support to anyone affected by mental illness, including families and carers. They can be contacted all year round between the hours of 4.30pm and 10.30pm on 0300 304 7000.

Samaritans – The Samaritans are available around the clock and are able to talk to you, in a safe place, whenever you like and about whatever is getting to you. The number is FREE from any phone and you do not have to be feeling suicidal to call. You can contact the Samaritans on 116 123.

Rethink – Rethink is a mental health charity which provides a wide range of support and signposting throughout the UK. They operate an advice line which can be reached on 0300 5000 927. For more information, please visit

Hull Connect to Support – Hull City Council runs a website which gives information on staying healthy and keeping your independence. There is also a wealth of information on local activities and groups that you can join in with. Please visit

Social Services and local support

Adult social care – Adult social care may be the most appropriate service to go to if you are struggling with social issues that are affecting your health and wellbeing. You can also contact adult social care if you are a carer and require support..

If you live in Hull, please contact 01482 609100 or visit

If you live in the East Riding, please contact 01482 393939 or visit

Connect Well Hull – Connect Well provide a wide range of support and advice on a range of issues, including connecting you to services that:

  • help you get active and feel better;
  • make you feel more linked in with your community;
  • offer support with physical conditions or emotional difficulties; and
  • provide advice on issues like money or housing.

This service is available for people who live in Hull or are registered with a Hull GP. You can get support from them by speaking with your GP, contacting the hub on 01482 217670, or going to their website and following the booking process.

Financial and employment support

Your financial situation may be affecting your health and there are a range of organisations which can provide advice and assistance. These include:

Advice UK – 0300 777 0107

Jobcentre Plus - 

Advice Forward Partnership Hull – 01482 300 303

The Wilson Centre Hull – 01482 300 300

Citizens Advice Bureau (Hull and East Riding) - 03444 111 444

East Riding Council – 01482 394633

The  organisations listed above can also support you with other issues and so are worth looking at for more information. For example, the MHRS would not be able to assist with benefits claims, such as PIP, but would signpost you to the agencies listed above.

Support for substance misuse and addictions

If you are using substances (alcohol, drugs, ‘legal highs’, prescription medications etc.) and this becomes a problem, you can seek support from specialist services both in Hull and East Riding. Substances can adversely affect your mental health and in some circumstances can cause mental illness. If you feel you may need support with trying to understand, reduce or stop your use of substances, please seek medical advice and contact one of the services below.

If you live in Hull, please contact ReNew on 01482 620013,

If you live in the East Riding of Yorkshire, please contact East Riding Partnership on 01482 344690

You can also get advice from Talk to Frank and the NHS website.

How to refer to the Mental Health Response Service

Bipolar UK Support Services

Bipolar UK is the national charity dedicated to supporting people affected by bipolar. This includes those with bipolar, those pre-diagnosis, and supporting their family and friends. Our peer support services include the below. 

All of the above services can be used free of charge, and the support services are available to those over the age of 18. Although, those between 16 and 18 can attend a support group if accompanied by an adult. 

We also offer employment support, which is open to both employers and employees. This offers practical support, training and resources.