Humber ‘Personality Disorder’ (KUF) Training

The Humber ‘Personality Disorder’ Training (KUF Training) is an innovative learning programme for professionals working across health, social care, criminal justice and voluntary sectors to support people with complex emotional needs, often associated with a diagnosis of 'personality disorder’.

The training programme is co-facilitated and co-produced by trainers with lived experience and clinical expertise using a trauma-informed approach.

The aims of the training are to:

  • Explore different perspectives around complex emotional needs associated with the diagnosis of ‘personality disorder’
  • Outline different ways of understanding complex emotional needs through examining how someone’s past experiences can affect their present
  • Develop an understanding of how to work effectively with people with complex emotional needs
  • Reflect on different approaches to working with people with complex emotional needs and the impact of reactions and responses
  • Explore the impact of working with people with complex emotional needs on the wider team

Sessions include a variety of taught content, individual and group discussions, and independent learning tasks.

Attendance is required at all three training days and we cannot facilitate splitting attendance across multiple cohorts.


If you want to book a place on the training please use the following form and we will then be in contact with you:


Training delivery is done at a variety of locations both in person and on Microsoft Teams.

Visiting times

Training cohorts are delivered during the week from 09:00 to 16:30.