Volunteers making a difference at local GP Surgeries
Published: 12 February 2025

We operate three GP surgeries in Yorkshire, with sites in Bridlington, Cottingham and Market Weighton. Each of the surgeries have volunteers supporting the work of the clinical and administrative staff. These volunteers have been sharing their experiences of using their time to help patients visiting a GP surgery.
Married couple Jeremy and Eileen have been volunteering at Humber Primary Care in Bridlington for just over a year. They have explained about what sort of work they get involved in through volunteering at the practice, “We can fill in online consultations if requested or show patients how to do this on an iPad. We can take samples from patients and provide them with repeat prescription forms. We can show them how to log in for appointments if they are unsure. We liaise with the Care Navigators in the office if people cannot book in or are late for appointments to find out why this might be and advise the patient accordingly.”
Fran, who volunteers at King Street Medical Centre in Cottingham said, “I feel the staff at KSMC have been very welcoming, friendly and supportive. They have gone above and beyond to help me settle in and I feel a valued member of the team. I am so pleased that I've been able to push myself out of the comfort zone. By volunteering I have found how much I enjoy being able to help people.”
Discussing why they enjoy volunteering at Humber Primary Care, Jeremy and Eileen shared this with us; “Helping patients is our first priority and it is rewarding when they thank us either for approaching them in the queue to see if we can help them, or if we have resolved the issue they came in for. Helping the Care Navigators out is our second priority. By undertaking some of the administrative tasks for them they can concentrate on their main tasks of triaging, talking to patients and helping patients to get access to services they need to.”
The invaluable work volunteers contribute to patient experience at each of the GP surgeries not only gives patients more support but is also hugely beneficial to the volunteer themselves. Fran explained, “The reason why I have volunteered to work for the NHS is to give back a little of the time and care they have shown me over many years. The NHS has invested a lot of time and money into my care while I was very ill and during my ongoing recovery. Volunteering helps me to step out of my comfort zone as I can struggle to leave the safety of my house and mix with strangers. I felt by volunteering I would come into contact with new people which could help me, especially working as a “meet and greet” person at King Street Medical Centre.”
Applying to become a volunteer is now even easier with the Trust as they have recently simplified the application process. To view the range of volunteering positions currently available their website can show all open posts or people are welcome to contact the Volunteering Service on hnf-tr.voluntaryservices@nhs.net to discuss opportunities.
We operate three GP surgeries in Yorkshire, with sites in Bridlington, Cottingham and Market Weighton. Each of the surgeries have volunteers supporting the work of the clinical and administrative staff. These volunteers have been sharing their experiences of using their time to help patients visiting a GP surgery.