Help to make our Trust services even better: Become a Governor

Published: 12 March 2025

Governor Elections Article Image

Our Trust has launched our upcoming governor elections and are inviting new people to join them. Could you be the next governor to join the Trust?

Governors take part in discussions about the Trust’s services and future plans, hold the Trust’s Non-Executive Directors to account for the performance of the Board and provide feedback from members, local people, patients and staff about the Trust’s services and plans. You don’t need any special qualifications to become a governor; you just need to be a member of the Trust. Membership is free and further details about how to become a member can be found on the Trust website.

Humber Teaching NHS Foundation Trust Chair, Rt Hon Caroline Flint, says,

“If you’ve got a passion for healthcare and want to support one of your local NHS Trusts to improve, then the role of a Humber Governor might be a perfect fit for you.”

There are four different types of Governors:

1. Public Governors: elected by public members and represent the views of members and public to the Trust Board.

2. Service User and Carer Governors: elected by service users and carers to represent their views to the Trust Board.

3. Staff Governors: employed by the Trust, elected by staff, and represent the views of staff working at the Trust to the Trust Board.

4. Appointed Governors: a selection of key partners who nominate someone from their organisation to attend Council of Governor meetings to represent the views of those organisations to the Trust Board.

Our Trust currently has 2 Public Governor vacancies in Hull, and 2 Service User/Carer Governor vacancies. It is paramount that the Council of Governors is representative of the local communities, and all are welcomed and encouraged to nominate themselves to become a Governor.

The minimum age to become a Governor is 16, as such these roles could be of interest to young people who would like to further their career aspirations and gain valuable experience of the NHS and healthcare organisations.

Trust Chair Caroline Flint said, “We are seeking local people who are passionate about making sure local voices are shared and heard to help influence future plans and progress our services. As a Governor you gain invaluable insights into how an NHS Trust operates and Humber Teaching NHS Foundation Trust is committed to consistent improvement and change for the better. The minimum we ask is that our governors attend four Council of Governor meetings a year, but you can attend other governor related meetings if you wish. If having a voice in improving and supporting your local healthcare interests you, please complete a nomination form to become one of our public governors.”

It is a really exciting time to become a part of the Trust and join an already diverse and inspiring group. The Governor elections process will begin on Friday 7 March and nominations will need to be submitted by 3 April. Should any positions be contested, then elections will open on Tuesday 29 April and close on 23 May. New Governors will start their term of office on 1 June 2025.

For those interesting in standing, a nomination form can be obtained by calling 020 8889 9203 or emailing