Booking Information to Attend the "Caring Together" Event

Published: 20 January 2025

The Patient and Carer Experience and Continuous Improvement Teams are hosting our first “Caring Together” event and would like to invite you to attend. At the event we will be showcasing how patient and carer experience has informed continuous improvements across the Trust.

We will hear from Trust staff and partner organisations supported by our patients, service users and carers from teams across the Trust including the following areas; mental health services, children and young people’s services, learning disabilities, forensic services, primary care, community care and our corporate services.

The event is free and is aimed at our patients, service users, carers, Trust staff, members of the public and our partner organisations.

It will take place on Thursday 13 February 2025, registration will take place from 9:00 am and the event will start at 9:30am to 4:00pm. 

To book your place (to attend the event in person or online via MS teams) please click on this link: and see this poster for more information.