Our Strategy

Introducing our new Trust Strategy

We’re proud to present our new Trust Strategy, describing our ambitions and direction for the next five years. Our strategy describes the building blocks we will put in place to grow and innovate services which meet the needs of our patients, service users, families and communities.

The strategy sets out our six strategic goals and explains how we will achieve them and just as importantly, how we will know we have achieved them.

Our strategic goals are:

  • Innovating for quality and patient safety
  • Enhancing prevention, wellbeing and recovery
  • Fostering integration, partnerships and alliances
  • Promoting people, communities and social values
  • Developing an effective and empowered workforce
  • Optimising an efficient and sustainable organisation

Click here to read the full Trust Strategy.

Click here for the easy-read version.

Watch the Trust Strategy 2022-27 launch video on YouTube below.



Our approach to developing our strategy was based on listening to our staff, our governors, our non-executive directors and our patients, families and carers through our Patient and Carer Engagement Forums.

Over 30 engagement events were held which were attended by a wide range of people from inside and outside the Trust, including partner organisation across health, care and local government as well as voluntary and community sector organisations. We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who was involved in this process for their invaluable contribution to developing our shared Trust strategy.

If you have any questions about our strategy, please contact hnf-tr.partnerships@nhs.net