Council of Governors Duties
What are the statutory powers and duties of the Council of Governors?
- Represent the views of the membership and public regarding the Trust’s services and plans.
- Hold the Non-Executive Directors to account for the performance of the Board (through asking questions regarding the Trust’s services and plans at Council of Governor meetings).
- Appoint and, if appropriate, remove the Chair and other Non-Executive Directors.
- Decide the remuneration and allowances, and the other terms and conditions of office, of the Chair and other Non-Executive Directors.
- Approve the appointment of the Chief Executive.
- Appoint and, if appropriate, remove the Trust’s external auditors.
- Receive the Trust’s Annual Report and Accounts.
- To approve ‘significant transactions’ as defined the Trust constitution
- To approve applications by the Trust to enter into mergers, acquisitions or dissolutions
In addition
In preparing the Trust’s forward plan, the Board of Directors must have regard to the views of the Council of Governors.
Other duties are likely to include:
holding meetings to consider ways in which to engage with members and the public regarding the Trust’s services and plans;
attending the Annual Members’ Meeting;
attending briefings with the Chair;
taking part in Governor Development Days
Visiting some of our services with members of the Board and hearing the views of service users and staff regarding their experiences;
providing a Governor perspective on Trust performance;
developing and reviewing the membership plan;
promoting membership and governor vacancies via networks.