
Our Governors attend Council of Governor meetings where they let us know what our members and the public think about our services and plans.

Our Council of Governors is made up of 25 Governors, 12 of these are Public Governors and represent the views of people living in Hull, East Riding of Yorkshire, Whitby, Scarborough and Ryedale and the Rest of England. We also have 2 Service User and Carer Governors, 6 Appointed Governors and 5 Staff Governors. More than half of the Council of Governors are elected by local people. Appointed Governors include representatives of local partnership organisations.

Governors give up their time voluntarily and do not ’run the Trust’. The Trust is run by the Board of Directors, but the Governors can influence their decisions and represent the views of our members and the public. To find out more about what a Governor does, visit our Council of Governors Duties page.

Public Governors are elected by our members to work as part of our Council of Governors. We run elections on an annual basis and anyone interested in becoming a Governor must be a member of the Trust. Membership is free and further information regarding membership is available here: Members (

We use an external agency to run our elections for us to ensure that the process remains totally impartial. All nominations and ballot papers are handled by the external agency who also send out all the relevant information to members to enable them to nominate themselves to become a governor and/or vote for their preferred Governor candidate.

Our Council of Governor public meetings are usually held by Microsoft Teams or in person and the meetings are live streamed for members of the public to watch. We also hold Governor Development Days either face to face or via Microsoft Teams.

2025 Meeting Dates

Thursday 17 April 2025 1.15pm - 3.45pm

Lecture Theatre, Willerby Hill, Beverley Road, Willerby HU10 6ED

If attending please could you let the Membership Officer know on 01482 389132 or e mail 

Thursday 17 July 2025 1.15pm - 3.15pm

MS Teams

Thursday 16 October 2025 1.15pm - 3.45pm

Lecture Theatre, Willerby Hill, Beverley Road, Willerby HU10 6ED

If attending please could you let the Membership Officer know on 01482 389132 or e mail 

The time, date or location of a meeting may be subject to change and can be confirmed by contacting the Membership Office on 01482 389132.

You can access papers from previous meetings by clicking the Council of Governors link below:

Council of Governors Papers

Council of Governors Recordings