Information about our staffing levels
Safe Staffing Levels
This year all hospitals in England have started to publish information about how many nursing staff are working on their wards or inpatient units every month. This includes the percentage of shifts that meet their agreed staffing levels. This is part of the NHS response to the Francis report which said patients and their families needed a lot more information about how hospitals were being managed and run.
Humber Teaching NHS Foundation Trust takes the care of the people who use our services very seriously and we already have a number of mechanisms in place to make sure there are enough nurses on our wards and units to ensure they run safely.
What information do we publish?
This page tells you about our staffing levels the previous month and provides links to papers discussed in public at our Trust Board meetings. The information from earlier months will be archived in links to the right.
The Department of Health set a template for Trusts to complete and upload to the Unify (an online data portal) website.
A full explanation of what this data means is included in a paper which will go to our Trust Board meeting every month where the staffing levels will be discussed and if units have been unable to meet planned staffing levels we will look at the reasons why and what actions have been taken.
To access recent safer staffing reports, please view the Board reports for the appropriate month which can be found here.
Other Information about staffing on our wards
As patients, visitors and staff enter each of our 24 wards or inpatient units, they are able to see a board that displays the planned and actual numbers of staff working there each day. The boards show who is in charge of the shift and when the information was last updated.