CQUIN Scheme 2023-24
2023/24 CQUIN Schemes
Mental Health Services
Indicator Name |
Indicator Description |
CQUIN01: Flu vaccinations for frontline healthcare workers |
Flu vaccine uptake target of 80% for front line clinical staff. |
CQUIN15a: Routine outcome monitoring in community mental health services |
Achieving 50% of adults and older adults accessing select Community Mental Health Services (CMHSs), having their outcomes measure recorded at least twice. Separately, achieving 10% of adults and older adults accessing select Community Mental Health Services, having their patient-reported outcomes measure (PROM) recorded at least twice. |
CQUIN15b: Routine outcome monitoring in CYP and community perinatal mental health services |
Achieving 50% of children and young people and women in the perinatal period accessing mental health services, having their outcomes measure recorded at least twice. |
CQUIN17: Reducing the need for restrictive practice in adult/older adult settings |
Achieving 90% of restrictive interventions in adult and older adult inpatient mental health settings recorded with all mandatory and required data fields completed. |
Specialised Services
Indicator Name |
Indicator Description |
CQUIN16: Reducing the need for restrictive practice in CYPMH inpatient settings |
The proportion of restrictive incident records which note whether a blanket restriction was a precursor to the use of force. Target 90%. |
Community Services
Indicator Name |
Indicator Description |
CQUIN01: Flu vaccinations for frontline healthcare workers |
Flu vaccine uptake target of 80% for front line clinical staff |
CQUIN12: Assessment and documentation of pressure ulcer risk |
Achieving 85% of acute and community hospital inpatients aged 18+ having a pressure ulcer risk assessment that meets NICE guidance with evidence of actions against all identified risks. |
CQUIN13: Assessment, diagnosis and treatment of lower leg wounds |
Achieving 50% of patients with lower leg wounds receiving appropriate assessment diagnosis and treatment in line with NICE Guidelines. |
CQUIN14: Malnutrition screening for community hospital inpatients |
Achieving 90% of community hospital inpatients having a nutritional screening that meets NICE Quality Standard QS24 (Quality statements 1 and 2), with evidence of actions against identified risks. |