The Commissioning for Quality and Innovation (CQUIN) framework supports improvements in the quality of services and the creation of new, improved patterns of care.

Since 2019 CQUINs have been designed according to criteria that ensure a focus on narrow operational improvements, rather than on complicated and burdensome change. These require that indicators in the scheme:

  • highlight proven, standard operational delivery methods;
  • support implementation of relatively simple interventions;
  • form part of wider national delivery goals that already exist, thereby not adding new cost pressures;
  • are explicitly supported by wider national implementation programmes; and
  • command stakeholder support.

Each year Humber Teaching NHS Foundation Trust undertakes a number of CQUINs appropriate to the services provided that are commissioned from NHS England and Integrated Care Boards.

Further information can be found at https://www.england.nhs.uk/nhs-standard-contract/cquin/

2024/25 CQUIN Schemes

Mental Health Services

Indicator Name

Indicator Description

Flu vaccinations for frontline healthcare workers

Flu vaccine uptake target of 75% for front line clinical staff.

Routine outcome monitoring in community mental health services

Achieving 50% of adults and older adults accessing select Community Mental Health Services (CMHSs), having their outcomes measure recorded at least twice. Separately, achieving 10% of adults and older adults accessing select Community Mental Health Services, having their patient-reported outcomes measure (PROM) recorded at least twice.

Routine outcome monitoring in CYP and community perinatal mental health services

Achieving 50% of children and young people and women in the perinatal period accessing mental health services, having their outcomes measure recorded at least twice.

Reducing the need for restrictive practice in adult/older adult settings

Achieving 98% of restrictive interventions in adult and older adult inpatient mental health settings recorded with all mandatory and required data fields completed.


Specialised Services

Indicator Name

Indicator Description

Reducing the need for restrictive practice in CYPMH inpatient settings

The proportion of restrictive incident records which note whether a blanket restriction was a precursor to the use of force. Target 90%.


Community Services

Indicator Name

Indicator Description

Flu vaccinations for frontline healthcare workers

Flu vaccine uptake target of 75% for front line clinical staff.

Assessment and documentation of pressure ulcer risk

Achieving 80% of acute and community hospital inpatients aged 18+ having a pressure ulcer risk assessment that meets NICE guidance with evidence of actions against all identified risks.

Assessment, diagnosis and treatment of lower leg wounds

Achieving 60% of patients with lower leg wounds receiving appropriate assessment diagnosis and treatment in line with NICE Guidelines.

CQUIN Schemes

CQUIN Scheme 2023-24

CQUIN Scheme 2021-23

CQUIN Scheme 2020-21

CQUIN Scheme 2019-20

CQUIN Scheme 2018-19

CQUIN Scheme 2017-18